2023 Goals

There are a few changes I want to make in how I do things, and the new year feels like the perfect time to do it!

First, I’d like to focus more on producing educational content. I’ve always felt drawn to teaching, but my physical health has prevented me from teaching in person for many years. Producing my first class for Skillshare has helped me feel more confident that teaching online is a viable option! I plan to produce one class every month (or every two months, depending on my health) to be published on Ko-fi, Patreon, and possibly Skillshare. Since Skillshare requires a pretty strict structure, I need more experience to know if I’ll be able to follow their guidelines in a reasonable amount of time. I’ll also be reviving my YouTube channel and posting shorter tutorials there for free.

For donation-based content, I’m switching my physical rewards to Ko-fi from Patreon. My Ko-fi offers tiers for just tutorials; tutorials and a monthly sticker; and tutorial, a sticker, and a 6×4” print. My Patreon will now only have one tier for access to tutorials. I feel like Ko-fi is more available as a one-off payment option while Patreon is better for subscriptions, and I’d like to make it as easy as possible for people to choose what works best for them.

Finally, I’ll be reducing the number of sticker packs I offer in my Etsy shop, and I’ll be focusing on recreating my most popular packs in rainbow style watercolour. I’ve been unhappy with the huge number of digital designs compared to my limited number of prints and traditionally painted designs, and I feel this change is a good step forward. The downside is that it takes longer to paint one sticker design traditionally than it does to create a whole sticker pack digitally, and it will likely take me one or two months to release a full pack.

Thank you for your amazing support! I hope you have a fantastic and prosperous 2023!