
Frog Hat Illustration

This illustration started as a joke between my husband and I. When we go hiking off leash, Nonoha likes to run through the forest collecting tons of horse flies. She’s too fast for them to bite, but they love transferring to the slow bipeds and senior dog. We were joking that she needs to carry a frog to eat all her horse fly friends so they leave us alone.

This illustration was pretty experimental for me. I don’t usually do illustrations, especially with background (even simple ones like this). I used coloured pencils for the line work to make it quicker and easier. I’m considering illustrating a book in this style, but it’s a huge project, and I’m still noodling if it’s feasible with my health. Either way, this was a fun piece to paint!

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Screm Pins Out Now!

Here it is, the Screm wooden pin series! There’s my classic opossum design plus a new trash panda, void cat, and pacman frog!

These guys are hard to photograph, because the wood grain catches the light. They look more flat and graphic in person. They also have a delightful subtle pine scent! The smell fades over time, but it’s my favourite part of packing wooden pins haha!

Click below to order your pin, or check them out on Etsy!

Find all my pins here on Etsy!

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Screm Pacman Frog

Pacman frogs are such charismatic little guys!

I couldn’t leave these dramatic little blob friends out of the screm pin collection. (I mean, their name literally comes from them having little, round bodies and huge mouths.) I’m not even sure I exaggerated this guy at all… The whole species is pretty much a cartoon character.

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June Exclusive JUMBO Sticker – Rainbow Tree Frog!

Another month, another new sticker design! It’s no secret I love frogs and will take any excuse to paint them. I wanted to experiment using black in my rainbow pieces, and I could not imagine a better subject than a rainbow version of a ventrimiculats blue leg frog! These frogs’ natural markings are so stunning that just changing up the colours feels almost like cheating.

This design is available as a jumbo 3.5” vinyl sticker this month only! You can grab one through Patreon, Ko-fi, or Etsy.

Regular 2.5” vinyl stickers are also available on Etsy.




Bonus version before I added the line work!

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Retiring Pattern! Tree Frog Mini Rugs

Some lil tree frogs!
I’m retiring this frog design from my medium rugs, but I thought it would make a cute mini rug! I decided to keep with block colours instead of rainbow for these little guys. Their tiny size and relatively complex shape would make rainbow versions a little too busy imo. After I finished these, I was kicking myself for not making an aqua version to look like a White’s tree frog. Maybe next time…
Do you have a preference between the light and darker greens? Do you think a rainbow design would work for these little guys?

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October Sticker Pack

Here’s our sticker pack for this month: Haunted animal skulls! I tried to keep these guys looking cute and cheery, and I chose animals that I think are a little unusual to see as skulls. There’s a duck, chicken, fish, frog, and turtle. And of course a cat skull for our rainbow sticker, because I can’t resist a cat.

I know skulls aren’t everyone’s jam, so anyone on Patreon receiving physical rewards this month can choose any stickers I’ve produced in the past as alternatives if you don’t want skulls.

Please sign up over on Patreon if you’re interested in getting any of these guys (or any stickers in my collection) at a steep discount any time this month!

(And here’s a bonus sneak peek at our Patreon-exclusive holofoil cat skulls in Jumbo and Standard sizes!)

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